A gallery of all the themes included with PlantUML.
This project is maintained by The-Lum
A use case diagram is a visual representation used in software engineering to depict the interactions between system actors and the system itself. It captures the dynamic behavior of a system by illustrating its use cases and the roles that interact with them. These diagrams are essential in specifying the system’s functional requirements and understanding how users will interact with the system. By providing a high-level view, use case diagrams help stakeholders understand the system’s functionality and its potential value.
See PlantUML Use Case Diagram for more information.
left to right direction
actor Guest as g
package Professional {
actor Chef as c
actor "Food Critic" as fc
rectangle Restaurant {
usecase "Eat Food" as UC1
usecase "Pay for Food" as UC2
usecase "Drink" as UC3
usecase "Review" as UC4
fc --> UC4
g --> UC1
g --> UC2
g --> UC3