A gallery of all the themes included with PlantUML.
This project is maintained by The-Lum
State diagrams provide a visual representation of the various states a system or an object can be in, as well as the transitions between those states. They are essential in modeling the dynamic behavior of systems, capturing how they respond to different events over time. State diagrams depict the system’s life cycle, making it easier to understand, design, and optimize its behavior.
See PlantUML State Diagram for more information.
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1 <<fork>>
state join2 <<join>>
state end3 <<end>>
[*] --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1 : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2 : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3 : from choice\nto end
fork1 ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1 --> State2 : from fork\nto state
State2 --> join2 : from state\nto join
State1 --> [*] : from state\nto end
join2 --> [*] : from join\nto end