A gallery of all the themes included with PlantUML.
This project is maintained by The-Lum
An object diagram is a graphical representation that showcases objects and their relationships at a specific moment in time. It provides a snapshot of the system’s structure, capturing the static view of the instances present and their associations.
See PlantUML Object Diagram for more information.
object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123
object user2 {
name = "Dummy"
id = 123
object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3
o1 --> dia
o2 "1" --> "1" dia
dia --> o3
object London
map CapitalCity {
UK *-> London
USA => Washington
Germany => Berlin
user1 --> CapitalCity : visits >
json json {
"size": "Large",
"color": ["Red", "Green"]